
words are weapons

Words are weapons, people. Use them with great care.

Ccensorship sucks ass and pussyfooting around core issues that really matter in our eternal battle with weight loss and good health is a waste of fucking time.

I've no time for power trips, superficial platitudes, ego-feeding. I'm here to unravel the tight- fisted rage within, calm the ravenous one, let the magic that comes with letting go of control speak and be counted.

Words are weapons. Don your armour.

There was some ugliness on the WW boards yesterday. It caused casualties, inflicted wounds. I suppose all these women coming together in cyberspace breeds the inevitability of such things happening--too much emotion, too many people thinking their way is the way, such need, such voracious need.

Is it in the not filling ourselves with food that we seek to fill ourselves with the strokes and praise of those who we barely know? This anonymity, too, allows some to open up with their deepest secrets and fears. Someone, surely, will understand. Someone will sympathize, maybe even empathize.

We choose. We step into the light with the hope of being seen. I shared some hard experiences yesterday with the group, and now, frankly, I'm regretting it. Not because I feel unheard. I know I was heard by those who matter. My regret stems from the simple fact that the overriding tone on the boards, at the end of the day, was that of moral certitude, and I have absolutely no tolerance for that. It negates the holiness of being human, vulnerable, imperfect. It rings false. Thou doth protest too much.

Words are weapons. I keep the most dangerous in a locked box, the key to which hangs around my neck. It's invisible, but I know it's there. I touch it when I need to remember the losses that came as a result of my releasing those words--just a few--into the world. I touch it when I need to remember my power. I hide it from myself when I know that if I don't, someone is going to get hurt.

To never be silenced. Not by the holier-than-thous, not by the head-in-the-sands, and certainly not by my own inner voice that begs me to stop this relentless unleashing.

All in the name of weight loss.


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