

right now, I'm eating musk melon. It is, as Jerri Blank might say, dee-lish-us. I was planning on eating this melon before I checked my voicemail and listened to a 5 (or so-- coulda been longer) message from my former employer (or one of 'em), who was the big factor in my leaving that line cooking job. I'm not really sure what his message was about, other than a kind of groveling for me to come back, combined with a guilt tripping thing about how I left (I didn't feel compelled to explain myself to him, and opted to tell his business partner, instead), and this weird pseudo familiarity based on nothing (other than the fact that we spent a few days touching food together). To top it all off, he sounded a bit fucked up/drugged, which is was the reason behind my leaving that job. So I've been sitting here, feeling out of sorts, because this, like my time working with him, brings up all kinds of issues and pushes all those old buttons, which, like those wired to so many old doorbells, are tarnished and grimy, and not the kind of thing you want to look at for too long, much less touch.

I took a shower a half an hour ago, and I opted for this shower because I was worried that with a bath, I would find myself pulling a Madge ("you're soaking in it!"), and I don't want to pull a Madge even if she did have that cool green shirt. So. Even after my shower, I'm still trying to let go of the stickies, to look at the ways in which I still have this natural tendency to put someone else's (in this case a guy I worked for) needs ahead of my own. It's like one of those horror films, where you're trying to shut the door, and the tendrils keep poking through (or crawling under), and it just won't stop. But what I really want is the Get Smart! doors-- the ones that bang shut with such finality. And so I'm trying to muster all that heavy steel right this minute, despite the fact that I still have a paycheck due to me. You know what? I can chock up those 16 hours to experience. No problem. It's worth it to move on and never look back.

But this musk melon-- I'm eating it because I wanted it. I'm also eating it because it is not the pile of salt, grease, sugar, whatever! that I want to medicate with right this minute. And maybe that's how I made it through all that button making (promises, lies, promises broken) of my youth. When I revert, I want to revert all the way. If I'm replaying all that old triangulation (and this is, with my female acquaintance the other owner, a kind of triangle) of childhood crap, can't I have some Orowheat english muffins and Laura Scudder's Old Fashioned peanut butter to ease me through?

But maybe it's not about easing through. Maybe it's not about going (and growing) numb. Maybe it's about pulling a door shut with such force, such finality, that it shakes my very being. And that, my friend, requires musk melon. Cold, sweet, maybe even a bit too ripe, musk melon.


At 9:48 AM MDT, Blogger forward hope said...

You want to know the scary part? I can't see anything wrong with having that english muffin and peanut butter. Hell, during my last WW go round, I ate that (or any approximation of it) for breakfast quite often. Among the many things this blog brings up (and lo there are many tunnels to spelunch here) it's THAT--I am woefully unprepared, it seems (not completely, but let's say 75%) to do this WW thing "right". Of course I put that in quotation marks because I am also unwilling to admit that I am totally WRONG about my approach (minimal as it can be at times) to this whole weight loss/brain rewiring thang. That said, Stine, I think you did some good thinkin' (clean, not stinkin') around this message Crackwhore left you. You have no obligation to ease this guy's pain. He's doing a fine and crappy job of it himself. What you DID do was own your own shit and try to put it on the right shelf whilst not gorging out. Shelf labeled: Childhood Shit Around Other People's Discomfort. I see you got out your label maker too and made a brand new label for that shelf. After all, it doesn't get added to all that often. Which is good. But it also isn't going to collapse under the weight of all the stuff you put there, because, well, it just won't. It can't. It's a part of your landscape, Stine, and looking at it sometimes is a GOOD thing. So long as you have a ton of muskiness nearby.

I salute you.


At 5:21 PM MDT, Blogger Maddy Avena said...

FoHo, you are so wise and your imagery is beautiful.
And I too took pause at the EM/PB piece. But I'm wondering if it's about still engaging in the old pattern of emotional eating, but making a lower impact choice? Is that in any way correct, Stine?
Like EM/PB is a good snack or decent choice as part of a meal when one is hungry and needing nourishment, yet when I need emotional hole-filling and am not hungry, it's overkill.(???)

I think what's true for me is that I'm an overeater and always have been. I still am an overeater, but what I've been able to change is how I dance with this part of self and the choices I make when I choose to engage it. (Or am I totally missing the mark here?)
the other M

At 5:38 PM MDT, Blogger Stine said...

I do love me some muffin and nut butter. mmmnnn...I guess it's all about context-- like drinking socially v. strictly for the drug aspect. Also, PB/EM while good, healthy fuel, is one of the foods I mindlessly downed (in large quantities) as a teenager.

Yeah, so last night I was gonna have the fruit anyway, but it turned into a choice after I felt the urge to eat something bad, to simply put some stuff in the ol' cake hole to find some kind of solace from the agitation brought up by Cw (that's what I'm gonna call him, because at this point I think it would be constructive to have a little hate towards someone who has invaded my psychic space)...

arugula pesto time!


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