
a horse with two names

earlier today, while riding side saddle across the box-strewn living room atop my pity-pony, I was jonesing for some Barbara's Cheese-Bakes and a nice, hoppy, IPA (Snoqualmie Brewing's Wildcat would be the one). The good news is that I did not ride said pony down to the co-op, but rather, did a kind of graceful dismount and had a big bowl of Nature's Path Puffed Corn with Vanilla soy milk. Yes, it would have been far more virtuous not to cave in to emotional eating, but I'm giving myself a little break here, because this business of packing and moving, it's tweaking me, and, well, I've opted to make better choices rather than deny myself my food-crutch entirely.

Compromise, the distant cousin to both Denial and Virtue.


At 4:38 PM MDT, Blogger forward hope said...

okay, this CRACKED me up. Ridde that pity pony live, there's solace in them thar hills!

Missed you.


At 4:39 PM MDT, Blogger forward hope said...

um, that was supposed to be "Ride thea pity pony LOVE."


At 4:39 PM MDT, Blogger forward hope said...

um, that's THE, not THEA. I must stop typing now. 414 emails is 413 too many.


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