
the pits they call arm

Rarely can one bitch and moan about a bi-product of weightloss, but you know that I'm just the gal to get that job done.

I am struggling with this armpit thing. yes, I choose to struggle, as I choose to shave, but with me, the not shaving-- not so good.

Anyway, what once went out (or at very least, stayed flat) now goes in. It makes me want an Epilady. It makes me long for the days of Nair, even if I would never smear that toxic crap on my pits du arm.

Did you know that axilas is Spanish for armpits?

Mis axilas me molestan.

I am learning new skills. These new skills involve tugging the skin under your arms until it's no longer under your arms, but rather, approaching your pects. It's not pleasant, it's not pretty, but sometimes it must be done.


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