
the widening gyre

ever since the in-laws have been here (and the lady days hit), I've felt a bit off track. Sure, I've written everything down, and I really haven't been horrid, but I've just felt off kilter, a little wobbly, not as on-target with how I'd like to eat.

Some of that stems from cooking these meals that have felt celebratory, and yet they haven't been over-indulgent. I think it also has to do with feeling like I'm out of my routine-- as though the dinners I might normally cook would somehow be unsatisfactory. But mainly I think I've been a bit checked out. So I've been a little less conscious about what I'm eating, when, how, why.

So now, as I get ready to head to work, I've gotta recommit to being on top of things, to really thinking before I put stuff in the mouth, and to making sure I maintain-- you guessed it-- B A L A N C E.


At 10:07 AM MDT, Blogger forward hope said...

you'll get back to it, stiney. the single track is still deeply grooved--just turn the front wheel ever so slightly...


At 10:09 AM MDT, Blogger forward hope said...

now I have Joni Mitchell's version of "Slouching Towards Bethlehem" in my head (from Night Ride Home, a fine fine album) and that's not a bad thing...I believe Yeats would be proud. If'n'you ask me, her version is divinely inspired.



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