
caught up in the dailies

it seems that I've slipped into the other Spring. This is the spring where food, while not an afterthought no longer feels like my central motivator. Wait, let me change that-- food is still my central motivator because I still dream of it, still use it as my medium of artistic expresssion. But hunger seems to have transformed from this nagging idea/thought (that lingers with me throughout the day) to an occasional inkling that rises up to keep me healthy and happy.

the voraciousness of my earlier EAT THE MALL entry has passed. Things feel more balanced, more appropriate, something resembling Normal, if such a word may be bandied about.

I still dream of food, but I think this has everything to do with cooking school and very little to do with me and weighwatchers and the elusive quest for the chalice with the B on it. And maybe it's not a chalice-- maybe it's a dixie cup.

The other night-- it was friday. I came home from a very long week indeed, and I opened the fridge and saw three cremini shrooms, some cabbage and carrots, some leftover roasted chicken that my Lady (i think that's what I'm unna call her now) had bought for her parents the night I worked. I will tell you right now that I am the queen of asian staples in the pantry, so of course I had these spring roll skins (tapioca starch) lying around. I thought about what I could throw together in a hurry (but not too much of a hurry).
Our dinner friday consisted of Vietnamese-style salad rolls and a little wine. It was light and tasty and I was entirely satisfied by what might have, just a couple weeks ago, seemed like a pile of snacks.

All hail the ever-changing (body) moods. And all hail Spring, glorious spring. Stay with me, Spring.


At 12:08 PM MDT, Blogger forward hope said...

oh yes yes yes...I'm right there with you Mizz Bee.

You just might be getting a firm hold on that elusive B word after all.

Right on!!!



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