
oh my lucky stars

We got a foot of snow here yesterday. For some, this is just an inconvenience and annoyance. For me, it's like magic. I don't care that it took me an hour to dig my car out this morning...heck, it's a great work out...or that the roads are sheets of ice covered by layer after layer of wet snow. I drive slow, unlike some of my Colorado bretheren who think owning an SUV means you can drive as fast as you want in any kind of weather. My co-worker almost got caught in a pile-up on the highway because of one such idiot driver; three 360 degree spins right in front of said co-worker after idiot sped past him and then hit a patch of ice. Smart, these western drivers. They obviously didn't grow up in REAL snow.

Tonight my wife returns from her great Danish adventure. She is now in LOVE with Denmark: the people, the food, the culture, the weather (fickle, like Colorado, but with a sea out your door instead of mountains). From the sounds of it, she consumed a pound of butter and loaves of bread, and lots of soup. Her sister, who met S. there, was a fan of the herring. AH my people and their food!

And speaking of food...I did pretty well while my haus frau wiffy was away. I ate well, cooked often (instead of grabbing thai take out every night, which has been my tendency in the past) and eshewed alkeehall for the most part. The house does not look like a bachelor has been living there and entertaining every night. I got a fair amount of exercise, not including this mornings shovel workout. My forearms are sore! Hoisting pile after pile of wet snow must be some of the best resistance training on the planet.

I didn't fall into a depression in S's absence. This has not always been the case. My friends checked in on me often, which was very thoughtful. I watched many movies, including Rachel Getting Married, which I loved, but also knocked me for an emotional loop. Jonathan Demme nails it once again. The live score was brilliant, and the script--written by Sidney Lumet's daughter--is sharp, full of keen observations and great dialogue.

And if you're so interested, the coming-of-age lesbo film Itty Bitty Titty Committee is worth a watch, if only for the exploding phallus that is the Washington Monument.


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