Here's what my horoscope this morning had to say:
Fundamental changes | *** |
Valid during many months: This is an extremely powerful influence, for it represents powerful internal forces for change colliding with powerful resistance from t he external world. You are trying to escape the routine, dull and ordinary aspects of your life. You try to find new things that will make your life more exciting and stimulating. But with every effort of this kind, circumstances, duties and obligations seem to hold you back and keep you stuck in an oppressive situation. You may get to a point where the pressure is unbearable, and then you will make a sudden break for freedom. You may suddenly leave a relationship, an oppressive job or your place of residence, without warning anyone. On the other hand, it may be possible to create a balance that enables you to sustain a great deal of tension over a long period of time and accomplish a great many changes in a highly structured way. Tasks of considerable difficulty are often accomplished under this influence, and people make Herculean efforts that would otherwise be impossible for them. Serious study and long-range projects requiring great concentration and effort can be undertaken. Even though this may seem more productive, it really depends upon your situation. Very often a sudden break with what feels like an oppressive situation will clear the air and allow you to make a new and better beginning. On the other hand, it can cost you more than you are willing to pay. But the patient, hard-working manifestation of this energy may create severe mental and physical tensions, even to the point of physical illness. You have to decide what you can handle realistically and determine for yourself the proper course of action. At this time in your life you must make changes at the most fundamental levels. If you do not, in approximately fourteen years the consequences of not making these changes will become very obvious, and you will be confronted with the same issues again under more difficult circumstances. |
And then my laptop died. No doubt the first of these many changes.
Holy Batshit, Stiney! Now: Here's your Sagittarius Year At a Glance From the We'Moon Calendar,
Caught in a fierce tug of war between responsibility and restlessness, use your Sagittarian far sight to envision likely outcomes. Hasty action without adequate forethought could land you in something equally unsatisfactory. With scrutiniy you may discover minor creative adjustments. It the failings of a current situation are beyond repair, move on, possessing the wisdom to avoid the same situation next time.
Short trips, classes, book groups or writing projects wake you up to new facets of yourself, where, like digging in a treasure box, you keep unearthing more precious jewels.
Explore the community around you to discover new ways of contributing your vision and expertise. Casual conversations will reveal exciting prospects. Failing to pace yourself, not taking the time to listen, and acting without gathering adequate information are perennial Sagittarian snares.
Saturn will reward any time and effort you invest in your public image or career. With so much to be done and a predisposition towards overextension, reduce your stress by organizing tasks and finishing one job at a time. Be scrupulous. Previous hard work will be awarded with respect, even public acclaim. Equally, dishonesty will be disconvered and lack of thoroughness could lead to a fall (thought Sagittarians tend to land on their feet, no matter what).
In relationships, great conversations and mental stimulation are perennisal Sagittarian aphrodisiacs. If looking, contacts are made easily this year, so get out and circulate. Let people know about you, though avoid lofty ramblings without equal curiosity regarding another's experiences. (Gretchen Lawlor)
(so there)
(just sayin)
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