Resolutions, Decrees, Goals, Dreams, Wishes

First, I'm gonna tell you I'm not big on resolutions. It always feels like a set-up, like talking so big you can't deliver-- or something. I think some of this belief o' mine comes from a lack of self-esteem, and a general sense of disbelief in my own capabilities. But there's something about the word resolution that rings a little punitive to me. Not as hollow as a decree, but sometimes a resolution without a strong sense of self and confidence feels like a cartoon decree. (the trumpet blows doot doo da dooooo)
Henceforth I shall only drink my tea with 1% milk, and I shall do it slowly, and I shall consume exactly 35 grams of fiber each day of the week, and that fiber shall be proportionately as follows: 60% vegetable, 20% leguminous...So this year, I'm feeling different. Instead of ignoring the resolution/decree altogether, I've asked myself what I want to do for me. It feels joyful. The operative phrasing?
I'd like to...I've never been big on setting goals. I've spent many years struggling to acknowledge my dreams and wishes. I'm kinda tight that way. Maybe it's the fact that this last year blew by me so fast, that I did so little for myself that was truly joyful (and keeping my head above water doesn't really count). So I don't want to do that again, and I've had this revelation that I actually need to make room for not only joy and fun, but the everyday practice that is being good to myself.
Whoa. I can't wait to see what this looks like.
You are duly witnessed,friend.
I'm just finishing my personal collage for the new year. It's interesting to feel my process around it: Looking at it, I can see it's not complete. Why? Don't know yet...but my right brain will tell me when it is. And these are my "like to's" for the new year. The right side of my brain is a child. She believes in magic and goodness.
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