
that would be homEostasis

lately it's been cold by Seattle standards-- the other morning I set out in 33' of damp (but not rain). By no means scantily clad (wool knee socks, three layers up top, including Capilene [3!]), I found myself wanting to ride faster in order to get out of the cold, but feeling sluggish in the quads from the chilly air all around me. Two nights ago I found myself lingering at the end of my shift because I didn't want to head out into the cold again.

I like cold. Not as much as 83' and sunny, mind you, but I appreciate crisp fall weather, what it does to the leaves, and the sense that things are winding down. What I'm unsettled by is my seemingly endless appetite for carbs and meat and did I mention carbs in the form of sugar? Yes, that. Me no likey that so much, especially since it sends me up to the realm of Average American Flatulence. I don't want to be average.

So tonight I'm doing something that I haven't done in a very long time: I'm writing out a menu for the week. Although I had a dream the other night that all my problems would be solved by cutting out dairy (this had been scrawled on a scrap of paper in my dream), I won't be going vegan. I will be making some choices around warming, clean, seasonal foods. And ye, though the cheese drawer is filled to the gills, I might steer clear of it for a few days, in the name of being, well, less average.

I think my body is trying to get a good winter coat on for all the (impending) cold. For my part, I'm gonna dress even warmer. And did you know that old knee socks, cut at the toes, make fantastic arm-warmers? They really do.


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