
(do not question) the scale goddess

My little mind games continue. Temporarily.

I tried, however, to put them to rest once and for all this morning...I thought, "this waiting to weigh myself shit is ridiculous" and grabbed a 9v battery from the desk drawer, tromped to the basement and put a new battery in the scale. Turned it over, put it on the hard cement, closed my eyes and said a prayer. "May I take this information and use it as a baseline, not a bat with which I beat myself," or something along those lines. The scale flashed 0 then stayed 0. I took a big breath, stepped on. Nothing. 0 stared me down. I turned the scale over, read the directions again. Took the battery out, put it back in. Scale to floor. This time nothing. No 0. Stepped on, then off, which is what the directions said would calibrate the scale. Nothing.

What the fu...? I mean really, am I not meant to weigh myself yet? The scale goddess says no. I guess I'll listen, for now. And get myself a new scale. Maybe this time I won't relegate it to the bowels of the basement. I think the broken scale lost all hope, just I did all those months struggling with VN. Goodbye old scale. I hardly knew ye.


At 12:20 PM MST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I threw mine out about six months ago. That mofo. It was always five pounds off, but you never knew which way.

At least, that's what I told myself.



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