
permission granted

I am trying to do what I can do to make it through this particularly, uh, stagnant time of year. I think I want the T-shirt of this one...


At 9:27 AM MST, Blogger forward hope said...

that's okay.
it's more than okay.
it's important to remember from whence we came.
centuries and centuries ago, this time of year brought about massive prepping for long winters, which included drying and storing Animal -everything- so that we could make it through the season. so don your t-shirt, beat your chest and look to the horizon for your hunter to return with the bounty. (she's the one in drag just on the other side of that ridge...)

Stiney, you're still my hero.

At 9:27 AM MST, Blogger forward hope said...

that's okay.
it's more than okay.
it's important to remember from whence we came.
centuries and centuries ago, this time of year brought about massive prepping for long winters, which included drying and storing Animal -everything- so that we could make it through the season. so don your t-shirt, beat your chest and look to the horizon for your hunter to return with the bounty. (she's the one in drag just on the other side of that ridge...)

Stiney, you're still my hero.

At 9:29 AM MST, Blogger forward hope said...

three's a charm!

i have no idea what happened.

i have much coffee to consume before the mystery comes clear.

i might even weigh myself today! woohoo!


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