
bike ride

Okay, I'm gonna post something really quick before my meeting...

This past Saturday, me and my gal, we went riding. Bike riding that is--we huffed it to the new Tattered Cover/Twist and Shout location (local independent book/music store combo, so cool), bought thank you notes, rode to Hamburger Mary's (local gay-esque hamburger joint), ate lunch, wrote cards, then rode home. All in all, I'd say we spent about 40 minutes on our bikes. For me, to be honest, this is not HUGE, but for S.--it is. It's monumental. And it made me sooooooooo happy. It made me swoon. It made me grab the lapels of her coat and pull her to me while we were standing on the sidewalk after lunch, pull her sweet face to me and kiss her big. She was pretty spent when we got home, but I could tell she was happy that she did it. I am so proud of her. A family that exercises together...


At 10:29 AM MST, Blogger Stine said...

Ah, nothing better, nothing better.


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