
i made a corned beef sammich with Carl Buddig lunch meat

and a sad sad "multi-grain crescent" roll from the bulk bins. I made this sandwich because I was hungry, but also because it was the only thing that made sense to me after spending the morning stumbling around post-veterinary trauma wherein we said goodbye to our sweet little white cat. Eating processed lunch meat doesn't really make a lot of sense after holding the body (not soul) of your pet because your loved one can't take it anymore and because she wants you to have your goodbye (even if that sweet spirit already left).
my Carl Buddig lunchmeat sandwich was not disappointing, nor was it fulfilling. It was an opportunity to get some needed calories and to try to ground myself by sticking something relatively comforting in my mouth. It was all I could do. The mustard and sweet pickles helped, as did that smidge of mayo. And now I am done.


At 12:09 PM MDT, Blogger Maddy Avena said...

Oh Stiney. Hugs to you and Lynne.
Blessings on Jing's passing. I sent a message to June and Squeaker to take good care of her in the kitty afterlife.
I'm so sorry for your loss.

At 12:30 PM MDT, Blogger forward hope said...

Thinking of you and Lynn and Jing and, yes, a few slices of Carl Buddig with some sweet hot mustard on a slice o pumpernickel. Peace Jingy. Have fun with June and Squeaker and Sophie and Mister Pancakes. Soph is the one who won't get out of the river and Mister P is probably stalking a leaf.

Hugs and more,



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