
what if?

this morning on the way to the bustop, before I checked my voicemail and found out my oldest friend's father passed away and then felt the freedom of crying about it while walking in the rain, I was thinking about the seasonality of weight. So I'm gonna go there again now, hours and hours later.

I guess it just occurred to me that we are not static beings. Like the seasons, we take on energies and changes and this fall/winter thing, instead of feeling constantly at odds with a few extra pounds, why can't I just embrace them as part of the cycle? I'll tell you why (it seems) I can't:
I don't believe it's just for the season.
I don't believe (in my head) that I'm connected to the natural world.

I think it's time for me to re-envision weight as it relates to time. Is there really anything wrong with allowing my body this (say, 5 pound) weight as I make my way through a cold, wet somewhat less active season. Can I trust that my energy and vibrancy will return in full when the days grow longer and warmer and brighther? What would it mean to accept myself as I am, 5 pounds heavier than my ideal, knowing that the winter is a less than ideal time for me, that it's not about being all that I can be, but rather, resting, restoring, being a bit more sedentary than I might like, but perhaps perhaps perhaps that's a natural cycle?

Is it?

Can I live with myself without being at odds? Can I accept this, accept me, as I am right now without it being an excuse or a segueway into ye old slippery slope of "I don't need to weigh myself anymore and I don't care" or whatever. What if I give myself permission? And what if I give myself the same permission to work my way back to 170 when the energies permit?

How will I know? I guess I'll have to find out...


At 8:44 AM MST, Blogger forward hope said...

Well, only YOU can give yourself permission, but if you need it, I can design you a fancy permission slip to carry around with you and look at periodically...THIS HEREBY GIVES STINE A PASS TO LET UP AND TRUST THAT THERE IS NO SLIPPERY SLOPE UP AHEAD ONLY CONTINUED SMALL VICTORIES...

or something like that.

I know this may be out there, but I'll say it anyway, because it's going through my head over and over and growing more insistent...WRITE IT!...

You're going to be just fine. Awareness is half the battle, if not more.

I am sorry about your friends dad.

Viva la butternut squash!



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