
it's a stressebration

Curious, really, the way stress eating can segue into celebratory eating. I noted that. I've put an end to that. Maybe this is how we get off program. I guess emotional eating can encompass a lot of emotions. I just know that the whole ungrounded/stressed thing of the past few weeks let up a few days ago, and then it was like, hooray, we've moved, let's go out to eat (or have some champagne/cava and at some point I had to step back (this may have been while I was out on a walk) and say, whoa, better watch this, and so it's not like pulling myself up out of a hole so much as it's like that bit where you are falling asleep and mini-dream that you've slipped off the curb (or something equally ankle-bending/small falling) and then you kind of jerk (full-body) awake. So I'm awake again, and though sleep on the physical plane is vital, this particular vein of lapsing consciousness it is a-not-so-good.

I'm awake. I'm up. I'm alive. what do I want to eat today?


At 1:18 PM MDT, Blogger Maddy Avena said...

I've learned that in times of stress my automatic response is to use food to ground myself.
In yoga class, our teacher made 10 lb sandbags.
2 things about sandbags:
1) Having one layed on top of your hip/thigh while doing lying big toe position helps keep your leg and hip that want to pop off the ground ON the ground. So there is this prop that assists me in feeling the ground.
2) At the end of class I carried two sandbags across the studio to have them put away. I said out loud, "18 months ago this is what I weighed," (meaning I was 20 lbs heavier)
And that too was very grounding.
witnessing you,


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