
getting my moves on

It starts getting light out a little before 5am now. I find this wondrous. I also find it inspiring, like I can't wait to get out and ride to work. Lately, I've divided my riding thusly: ride in resembles work-out-- I push myself and try to feel the burn. Ride home resembles good old-fashioned transportation-- I keep my wits about me and use what energy I have left to keep up a steady pace and get to mi casita. I know that over the past few months of riding, my speed has picked up and my sense of exertion has changed. It's really kind of miraculous what repeated exercise can do for the body.

A couple days ago a friend came over. She hadn't seen me in a few months. She was blown away at how I looked and she said "From Cycling?" and I just nodded and added "and cooking for a living." And then I had to add that I really haven't lost any (other than a pound or something) weight since we last met. I did this for myself, to reinforce that the numbers are not the only reality. And they're not.

Ideally, I'd feel better than I do right now. I'm a bit tired and run-down from working so hard. I'm trying to focus on better nutrition, on more rest, on taking a moment in the sun to recharge the solar aspect of my battery. I know I can do that.

The exercise, it's a constant. It has to be. I've been lucky enough to be able to maintain it, and it's become routine. And wondrous. I know I have a tendency to forget, to let it go, to let it slide. So I'm tying and imaginary knot around my pinky so I'll remember.


At 7:39 AM MDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is kathyah - from WW VB. Not a 'proficient' blogger :)

Wanted to acknowledge your mindfulness of effort in commuting as a workout as well as the 'of course you feel tired and run down! You have a crazy, crazy schedule'.

I love your image of the sunrise. It is one of my favorite parts of the day. When I can truly imbibe it's pure beauty, it brings such peace.


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