
be here, now.

last night, after dining on a reasonable portion of portobello, ricotta, and artichoke pizza and sipping a glass of particularly delicious Cotes du Rhone, I realized that I am content with my body, as it is. I said aloud to wiffy:
I think my body is happy here.
And it felt a little strange to do that-- not throwing in the towel and giving up strange, but rather, realization of what I have, what I need, what I want strange.

I've had a fairly demanding week (or three) on the job, with a whole lot more on the way. The rides to and from work have been full of headwinds and crosswinds (which are really only headwinds on downers), and it's been physically tough. My body's gotten me through, thus far, with a few complaints from the lower back, but no major tantrums. I'm realizing the extent to which my build keeps me going, that my stamina may, in fact, come from my sturdiness.

Perhaps I'm not articulating this very well.

I feel like there's a balance to being. I've felt this before. In the quest to hit a certain "number," I can end up depleted. I don't eat enough to keep myself going, or I'm working against a place that my body needs to be, merely for the sake of my mind, and what number (be it a size or a weight) I think I want to "be."

So right now, I'm trying to pay attention to physical and physiological needs and cues-- what it means to maintain my level of exertion, to fuel that, and to take joy and pleasure in eating reasonably with occasional indulgences here and there.

I don't feel that I've said this as well as I could. But I'm starting to get a sense of body-contentment, like this may be a place where my mind and body can agree to stay...


At 9:11 AM MDT, Blogger Maddy Avena said...

I so get what you're saying. I've been "maintaining" for 14 months now and it took over a year to come to this state of grace where I can feel what sort of fueling my *body* needs to do all the things that I do. Like on my drumming days I have to eat more. If that puts me over 1500 calories for those days, then that was what my body needed to move with power and grace through the long day (let's take Mondays as an example) that started at 6:00 am with yoga at 7:00, a hike at 8:30, a work day, albeit at a desk but still exerting mental energy (which does count), teaching a class at 3:00 and another at 5:30 with dinner and peace coming at about 7:30 pm.

The leaning towards body voice and need rather than head agenda is becoming a more day to day modus operandi and for that I am very grateful.

The scale keeps bobbling just over or under 150 and my inner somebody who's saying, "BUT I WANT TO BE 140" is acknowledged, but not agonized over.

So, ride on, rock on sister in body attunement. I see you!

At 9:43 AM MDT, Blogger forward hope said...

This is HUUUUUUUUUGE, Stiney.


Perhaps your stalking of the ev'r-elusive B word is close to over...

I certainly hope so.

Cheering you on (clapclapclap)



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