
all i am saying is give peace a chance

...peace to your fellow gym visitors, that is.

Please do not take your cell phone when you work out, no matter what. If the President is calling and you are the decision-maker as to whether or not we will invade Iran, I will forgive you THAT ONE DAY. But no longer. Don't gab and exercise. And don't do it by me. I don't care that your boyfriend doesn't want to take the warehouse job because it's shitty pay. I certainly don't care about your bunions. And really, do you think it made a difference in your cardio development that you were on the recumbant bike at level one for seven minutes (on the phone the whole time) and then progressed to the treadmill where you walked at a slow pace for another 10 minutes (while still on the phone)?

Am I missing something? Maybe she just wanted to tell everyone who called her that she was at the gym. It's the cool response to "what are you doing?" "I'm working out," she replies perkily.

Pretty soon she's gonna have a cut (as in uber-muscular) tongue.

Oh and I got to look at Michelle Kwan's back and ass today while I was finishing up my time on the recumbant bike (started on the elliptical but my right side got all tweaky so I opted for the bike)...now, I am not trying to be nasty or perverted here, but I liked looking at Kwan's backside today. She's got a kickin' body. Plus, I swear I have never seen her without a slight smile on her face. I think she's probably pretty cool. Light years cooler than little Ms. Chatterbox.


At 8:52 AM MDT, Blogger Stine said...

oooh, the wrath of cellphone. Every now and then I see someone riding (as in bicycle) and talking on the phone at the same time, and it's all I can do not to scream at them, and more often than not, I just shake my head a little and say something to myself along the lines of


I once, long ago, had a discussion about why overheard cellphone conversations were so bothersome. yes, it's an invasion of the silence or soundscape, but more troublesome is the tedium of someone else's life, laid out before you. It would be depressing if it wasn't so annoying first...

oh nothing.
working my adductors.
did you?
oh, I don't know, maybe clean the garage.
uh huh.

(I could do this forever, you know)

At 1:58 PM MDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great post. I was playing volleyball the other night, and a girl on the other team stopped playing to answer her cell phone. We had been losing to this team pretty good, and then she stepped off to take this (what seemed like a non-urgent phone call), and we came from behind and kicked their 3-person-team ass. So there.


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