
One Big Bowl of Brown Rice Does Not A Dinner Make

I am so ding-danged tired from moving and cleaning (and cleaning and cleaning and did I mention all the cleaning still left to do?). When I get this exhausted, I start to make bad choices-- that would be tea for dinner followed by a big bowl of brown rice for dessert(?) then a glass of wine and some chocolate for "afters." I really want a day of sleeping in and mental reset and I can't see one coming for maybe a week or so. And in the meantime, it's 5:25AM and time for me to hunt down the rest of my coldish clothes (it's 37' out there!) and pedal to work and rustle up that ever-popular pulled pork sandwich that La Gente seem to want. Did I mention my super-D baby bok choy w/garlic and sesame oil? That was so good. In fact, when I get in to work, I might just have to sample some.

That's right: Baby Bok Choy for Breakfast.


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