
markers, gauges, weights and measures

I have no idea where the scale is. I know it's somewhere in the new apartment, but I think it's in a box, and there are still a lot of boxes and I'm not really dealing with any of that until the weekend.

I'd say I've maintained my weight, maybe even lost a little. I know this from my non-scale measuring device. It's called my left tit. LT takes on a certain shape and size relative to my overall weight, and she's assumed the stance that indicates something close to my target weight. Unfortunately, this shape/stance conjures up images of a childhood friend's Albanian grandmother for me.

I'm not gonna go into it.

Just know that I'm working on getting a little more positive spin going on this, on my relationship to gravity, on what it means to age, and I'm also gonna be working on finding the scale, so I can confirm or deny what LT is telling me.


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