what me cleanse?

Of course I would decide to do something like this on the spur of the moment, after drinking champagne.
And here I am, day two. Realizing I really can make it through a day without my traditional cup (or 6) of black tea with milk. I think if I hadn't come down with the crud the night before starting this, I'd already be feeling pretty kick ass. And I am, except for the crud (that came into work last week and must have attached itself to me there).
The way this started: I have friends who've done this one before, and we were sitting around eating dinner and drinking champagne/wine (as we often do on Saturday nights), and when I heard them talk about doing this particular Cleanse again, it sounded like something I could/ wanted to do. It doesn't hurt knowing/living with healthcare practitioners who can score the goods (in this case a powdered supplement to provide protein, etc.) at wholesale pricing.
So we'll see how it goes. And if I really can do it. And how I feel afterwards. And yeah, I know what wheat does to me, but it will be interesting to get on the Elimination Diet and then reintroduce all my other favorite foods
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