
exercising (free will)

I went on a spur of the moment ride today. Prior to the ride I was in a very black mood, indeed. The scale hasn't been reflecting my hard work. And so, early in my ride, at 35th & Phinney, I stopped by the bike shop, discovered there were a few beers in the fridge still, and popped one open. I sat out on the chair beside the front door and sipped my beer, and my original AFI (that would be "Ah, Fuck It!") attitude started to dissolve. The day was looking lovely, and tomorrow's forecast, rain. Maybe I could put my beer legs to the test. Maybe I could use these carbs.

So I rode up Fremont to Phinney Ridge and then onward. A whole lotta onward. 26 miles of onward. And now I'm a little sunburned, a little tired, but so glad to feel it all, and to feel so much better.


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