the ups and downs of just kind of living

I think the thing to do is look at the scale as a novelty item-- a kind of "Magic 8-ball," if you will. Before I even stepped on it this week, I knew it would be up. I just felt like that. The challenge is not making a big deal out of it, not letting it devastate you. That's where the 8-ball comes in. Just react to the scale as you would that age old advisory object. Nod in agreement, or shake your head in disbelief, then reflect. Was I a good witch or a bad witch? And what's the use of Good and Evil, anyway? Little use to me. I'm still Livin' La Vida Stina. I'm still doing the things I need to do. I haven't been an out of control freak, but I must admit that some peanut butter came into the house, and therein may lie the rub. Also, I have this giant pimple near my right eye (a very John Merrick number) and I'm thinking that thing has to account for a few ounces all on its own. No, really.
So here I am. It's no longer about the numbers getting smaller. It's more about keeping this rotation of numbers in the same basic range. Kind of like a very limited slot machine. I can't wait until cherries comes up...
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