
Working the Program- the view from here (paper angle)

I work in an unconventional environment. I guess it's not so much unconventional as somewhat inconvenient to weight loss. I'm surrounded by food. It's what I do. I don't have a desk or a "spot" where I keep my stuff. I'm kind of gypsy that way. (No, not that Gypsy-- this one!) Anyway, it's a challenge to keep track of food and exercise, so I usually scribble it on my notepad and stash it in my pocket, and then when I get home, I pull it (along with my old bus transfer) out and try to immediately input the information. It grounds me. It gives me a sense-- or rather, a reminder of how I might want to approach my evening. Tracking-- the simplest and the hardest thing to do. It's right up there with stepping on the scale once a week.


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