
bless the beasts and children

gung hay fat choy, originally uploaded by cstineyb.

2007 is the year of the pig-- the Fire Pig, to be exact. Working on my holiday cards has brought up some interesting stuff. It has to do with feeling weird about sending out the pig image, because, well, you know, pig as derogatory term, pigging out, stuff like that. I realize that for as long as I felt like that term related to me, I haven't really allowed myself to enjoy the image of a pig (or an elephant, for that matter).

So I'm letting go of it. I'm reveling in the Fire Pig as a symbol for my new year. Not a symbol of gluttony or shame or abandon or any of that crap.

Here's a little something from the web (a bridal guide page on chinese horoscope, no doubt lifted from somewhere else [and they told two friends, and so on, and so on])...oh, and the new year doesn't start until 2/18, so we can revel in our dogness a bit longer

THE FIRE PIG 1947 AND 2007
Active, outgoing and extroverted, Fire Pigs breathe new life into everything they do. These Pigs are vivid, motivated individuals who cannot be deterred from a goal once they have set it. They are emotional and passionate about their loved ones, their occupations and their objectives. They are bold and vivacious, unafraid to take risks despite the consequences. They make great bosses because they do work so hard and because they are so spirited. But don’t doublecross a Fire Pig. They have the ability to be quite abrasive when things don’t turn out as they planned.

So that's how the year could go down.

Me, I'm a Wood Snake. No doubt I'll take it like one, but I like that whole don’t doublecross a Fire Pig bit. I'm gonna keep that.


At 11:27 AM MST, Blogger forward hope said...

I went to the College of Wooster, and the *cool* shirt to wear (showing your pride and all that) was one that said C.O.W. When I was last there (about 30 lbs ago) I bought one in definance. I wore it once. *sigh*

At 10:08 PM MST, Blogger Stine said...

you send that t-shirt my way-- I'm all over it!


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