

Never say never.

It's been a long ass time since I posted, and I won't go into why--suffice it to say that I needed a break from just about everything, and I took it, and I'm back.

This does not mean, however, that I am happily back. Well, I should say that I am happy to be writing this, but I am not happy with the fact that I weighed myself a couple of days ago and then cried my eyes out. S. was infinitely supportive. She said she could tell I was cranky by the way I walked. I find that amazing. I asked her what she meant--she said it was in my step. "It's heavier," she said. "I can't really explain it." Interesting. I'm heavier, my step is heavier, my heart is heavy, the snow piling up and piling up outside is heavy. Heavy, dude.

I actually had this fleeting thought today: I will never be able to lose weight. I am destined to be a fat person. I must make peace with this. I cannot make peace with this. Will I find myself ready end it all in coming months because I realize that such peace is, truly, unattainable? I know that sounds drastic, but I've never been a person who operates on Low, who is just feeling "a little" something. I don't feel "a little" fat. I feel HUGE. I don't feel "a little" out of control. I feel like I'm careening into disaster almost daily. I burn High with all my dysfunction, all my addictions. Pain is a friend (yes a friend--one must learn to love that unrelenting ache) that I said goodbye to long ago, but still it lingers, sets up house, just outside my closed (and locked) body.

It's true. I am tired of the fight. I'm the perfect person for that ad on TV where the song is "Always on My Mind" and the people are walking around with scales chained to their ankles.

Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow. I hope the new snow wipes these muddy thoughts clean. I hope I can get home.


At 12:33 PM MST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, do these sentiments ring familiar. I feel you, darlin. I do.

At 9:41 PM MST, Blogger Maddy Avena said...

today. Only today.
The path is all there is, says my Indian wife
I see you

At 6:54 AM MST, Blogger Stine said...

The good news: the thought was fleeting. I know that thought, because I, too, return to it every now and then. I return to it because it's familiar, and I'm not gonna say it's healthy, but it does hold some sense of safety for me. So we return to that thought, but there's this other self who knows better, who wants to challenge that old self-- what shall I call her,-- "color me done"? I say let that other, less familiar (?) part, the part that wants to see how great you can be to yourself--we'll call her "color me kick-it!",-- I say let her off the lead and see where she runs.

ps. I've decided that ",--" is my new best expression. Please don't tell the punctuation police.

At 5:16 PM MST, Blogger forward hope said...

Thanks Maddy. I need to be seen, I know that much.

JJ, I'm waving (not drowning) and miss you a ton...

Stiney, I think the punctuation police would think you avant garde. I happen to like variations on direction.

Color Me Kick It!


At 6:51 PM MST, Blogger GinaP said...

All that and she references Stevie Smith, too!

Those thoughts, they "fleet" by me all too often. What I'm grateful for is that you are able to give them such appropriate words. Thank you.


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