
moving, forward

If I were in closer contact with more people, if just a few people who knew me well actually got to see me, they'd know something was up. But in this virtual reality, things often boil down to presence and absence, and I have been decidedly absent for quite a while. Some of it is my self-imposed internet weaning. I spend less time online, mainly as a way to try to be more present in real-time, real-life. And the quest for presence has been a quest to try to feel again, because at some point, likely this summer, I drifted away and I haven't made it back.

Unearthing and stirring the murk has been, for the most part, an unpleasant experience for me. Yes, I am engaged in and committed to the process, but it's opened a can of Whoopass Deluxe, and rendered me not-so-fun(ctional). There are, no doubt, a multitude of DSM-III codes that could be pinned to me at this point in time, covering my eyes like post-its made of duct-tape. And maybe those namings give me some breathing room, some understanding as to why I've put on weight and can't seem to care (other than in a self-flagellating fashion), why I've become so isolated, why I've lost interest in most of what I once loved, why there isn't much that can rouse me these days.

It's my hope that 3 weeks out of context, in a country where I (for the most part) don't speak the language(s), will give me a little more room to breathe.

It's a giant exhale I'm looking for- one that can't really be complete until mid-January, after I get my 6-month follow-up MRI, after I feel like I can let go of this job that hurts.

And then I hope for the breath in, the great stepping off into some unknown, not with fear, but curiosity and maybe a shred of confidence, wonder, joy, even...


At 11:35 AM MST, Blogger forward hope said...


Remember the part about giving yourself a break? Remember the part about being gentle? About allowing it, whatever "it" is in that moment, to pass through you, while you hold on, hold fast, and trust that you will not die in the process? Remember?

I am going to really really miss you. I am going to light a candle every day for you, imagine you eating ham and drinking wine :) and laughing laughing laughing...letting go, being there, in that lovely foreign place, surrounded by love and light. I am going to hold a place for you at my table, and when you get back, we shall dine. We shall.

And when you get back, you will not be the same person. Of this I am certain. We cannot predict the future, but I sense an opening that you're stuck in right now, but will soon give way, and you're gonna come out the other side and dust yourself off and say There, that is done. Onward.

With great love and admiration,
yer bloggo p'ner

At 9:31 AM MST, Blogger Maddy Avena said...

This is the tail end of the year of the Rat. So much has been unraveled this year. The unravelling creates holes through which the Divine can peek in.
Please trust in that.
The virtual friendships work both ways: You can't see me, but I can write this: You are in my thoughts and heart often. I send you my love in a steady golden thread.
If we mortals are manifestations of the Divine then it is you yourself peeking through the holes of the unravelling.
Bon Voyage,
your friend,


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