
wearing wiffy's pants

I got up a little early and hadn't set anything out and I didn't want to wake her, so I grabbed these jeans out of the laundry basket and I thought I'd see if I could squinch into them, and lo and behold I can, and they look and feel great. I know they aren't mine. I know they will not become mine. But it's kind of amazing to have these things on, really.

I tend to look at my Frau as thin, or lanky, or svelte. She's shaped very differently than I am, and many things that she wears won't get over my thighs...

So it's that thing about projection-- we tend to see our sig-figs as having something we don't-- be it an attractive body, or fitness, or youth, or a certain type of beauty.

Wearing wiffy's pants deconstructs one of those projections. It tells me that despite how I might see myself, I am something else entirely. I am that thing I idolize, long for, hold as some ideal.

The call is coming from inside the house-- the delicious booty is mine!


At 12:31 PM MDT, Blogger Maddy Avena said...

I have had identical and very similar experiences with my wiffy's pants.

When she was thinner and I was going downdowndown, she was letting me try on her pants as a touchstone. As she continued to gain weight, many of these pants don't fit her anymore and she's given them to me. But then she keeps muttering about how I have to go clothes shopping and buy my own new stuff.

(and I wonder why? She has such better fashion sense than I do. So what that things are a little tattered from years of wear from two different behinds....)

POINT BEING: I too have had to scrutinize how I see myself vs what I really look like. It's nice. It's a big NSV, to use the WW vernacular.

Well done, Stiney!


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