
collateral damage

this morning I made a little pot of oatmeal, measured my 1 cup out, and left the rest on the stove for the Frau. After she'd served herself, I cruised by the stove and saw that some was left. I scraped at it with a spoon.
Don't you want the rest of this?

No, I'm okay. You can have it.
Then I made my big announcement:
Frau, I am no longer your human garbage disposal!

Poor sweetie. She'd just gotten up, just had a sip of tea and a bite of oatmeal, and then BLAM! the manifesto, in classic fire-sign proclamation-style delivery, complete with hand gestures and the wiping of a cutting board for emphasis.

Good thing she can laugh.


At 11:11 AM MST, Blogger Maddy Avena said...

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At 11:13 AM MST, Blogger Maddy Avena said...

(made an astrological mistake....take II)

and it's you fire grrls that make the world spark and pop and I love you all so madly :-)

And laughter can be the heart's expression of fire.

Mar in Aries-ingly yours,

At 12:00 PM MST, Blogger forward hope said...

Ooooo L. & S. need to have a pow wow some time. The comment in our household these days is "Oh, M____, do you need a hug?"

Grrr. :)



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