if food=love & love=all you need, then food=all you need
Okay, I've got this bad hand, but I've been thinking about how food and love and sex (even!) are all tangled together in this rather uncomfortable triangle (perhaps a three-way, really). So with my bad hand unable to let me type on at great length, I will toss out the following observations:
single and self-aware gets her shit together, learns some good eating/exercising habits and finds a happy balance to life. Food is good, but so is balance. There is of course, a certain hunger for love, sex, etc.,but the hunger creates a kind of energy, a fire that burns and keeps things warm and lively. Then SASA meets Mr./Ms. Right and after a brief or prolonged courtship, lands 'em and in-love. There's this nervous tension between I and WE and there's some sex and edgy to keep the fire going, which balances all the going out to eat and (potentially) indulging in drink. Yes, there's a lot of food, but let's face it-- there's more sex. Eventually, the WE eclispes the I, and all considerations become a bit more complicated. habits are broken, new ones are formed. The merging of self and other maybe yields some new habits: you like to watch TV on Sundays? I like to walk...hmmmn, will I perish if I walk without you? yes, I certainly will. I love love love you. Love is a celebration. What better way to celebrate than with food? I food food food you! Sex makes me hungry. Let's have sex and then eat cake. Oh, you don't feel like having sex? DO you still feel like having cake? Me too. Sometimes eating cake together makes me feel like we're having sex-- I mean, this cake is that good. This cake is sacred. We don't need sex as long as we have cake. nothin says I love you like cake. My love is deeper than sex, but it may not be deeper than cake.
that's all for now. This is based on a true story (or two).